Thursday, March 29, 2007
I haven't been blogging much, but you know, O Levels and all that. Must concentrate.
I don't know what to say, really. I've just been so stressed with all these failures in my face.
I'm really losing the belief that I can score 7As. For each failure I see.......
Haiz.. I really need to buck up. Not that I haven't tried. I did my best but it's not enough.
It's hurtful to put everything you've got and get back the same failing results....
Now, sec one GIRLS are calling Joel "mummy". It's coming off as desperate to fit in.
Seriously, I think they need guy friends their own age and stop clinging on to our family.
It's irritating. I can't even talk to Joel OR Azhari without one of them interrupting.
They do that because I think that they want their attention for themselves.
Further more, we've known Joel and Azhari since last year, they've known them since THIS year.
Personally, I think that they shouldn't be too desperate. I'm not jealous or anything.
But now, we(my friends and I) feel that they're not so close to us anymore.
Thats sad enough for us. I lost my temper at Azhari yesterday and he got angry too.
I felt bad but after apologizing, I'm pleased to say that he's forgiven me.
Anyway, Joel is usually the reciever of my pms moodiness. Haha. Sorry to them .
My Ayang will tell Azhari tomorrow this said reason of what I've been typing.
I don't want to tell him myself due to specific reasons.
That's all for now, (:
-pEaCe OuTz~!
6:12 AM