Friday, November 23, 2007
His everything is haunting me!!! Face, smile, everything!!I like can't sleep because of that. Arghhhhh. My god....Another reason is that Joel's gone to Cambodia for the next 1o days.It's going to be so boring without him around to crap around with.Well, anyway, I just can't get him out of my head tonight.I'm pissed off at myself for not being able to do that.Trying to think of other things like Fad's upcoming birthday. Haha.I already told SMN about the Australia thing. He took it quite well.I'm glad I have an understanding one. One less thing to squibble.I just wanted to get a few things off my chest and I did. I'm going to try and go to sleep now. Try not to think about him.Gah. This is Madness. I don't know why this is happening. :\I'm going to miss Joel for the next 1o days and also a few other people. Well, that's it. Not much of a post. Just random emotions. `-iifahh
12:47 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I just want to scream my lungs out. I don't -ing care .
I don't want to argue and fight with you.
I'm sick and tired of being the one whom you release your frustrations on.
I'm as much of a human being capable of emotions as you are.
When you do it, I don't say anything. But when I do, its a problem to you.
I have frustrations too, not you alone. I'm tired of doing this.
I'm tired of being treated this way. -
As far as I know, Joel's been there for me this whole week.
I'd rather have one friend who's there for me then 4 close friends who act like I don't exist.
No phone calls, no smses, no IM-ing. Nothing. Zilch.
I don't call that being a friend. Not at all. You may think I'm exaggerating.
I don't -ing care what you think. I only know he's the only one there for me this week.
Ever since the O Levels, none of you bothered to ask,"Hey! How are you?"
Or just to hang out. What the -uck am I to you? Obviously I'm not important enough to you.
Besides Joel, Nad was the only one who bothered. She's gone to M'sia again.
I'm grateful that Feeqa and I still talk. I won't be like the lot of you who don't bother.
I'm not as clueless as you think. -
I'm going to run at the linear park near the house. A way to get out of the house and keep in shape.
I don't need to go to the gym. Running/jogging is good enough for me.
That's why I'm better in long distance rather than short distances.
I should run/jog more to do better. See Joel? Running for FREE. No gym required.
I'm either going alone or with my sister if she's not feeling lazy.
Either way, I'm still going to go. I just want to forget shi-. -
I think I'm getting used to blogging again. Hey,! It's one way to vent out my frustrations.
I'll be updating the music list in my mp3. Recently bought a new earpiece/headset.
My ears aren't subject to musical assault now. They don't have to hurt anymore.
And I think I'm done. I feel tons better now then I did when I started. -
8:28 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hahaha! My god! I've been slacking off!
After my last paper on the 13th, I've been on the computer alot!
Not to mention the television. Now I just need to spend time with friends!
Going holiday in December, going to KL, then to Japan. :D :D :D
I'm not going to ruin the holiday moment with problems.
So I'm putting them at the back of my head, my heart. I don't need it right now.
I just really want to go out with friends and all that. (:
I went out yesterday, bought random stuff and new shirt!
It's really pretty! Grey and pink. (: (:
Bought lolipops too! One red heart one and a swirly one! Nice ones too! Haha.
I just changed the blog layout. I like cats and theres a cat walking in the sunset!
Plus the song, although it plays a little bit warped. It restarts near the middle.
6:54 PM