Tuesday, June 24, 2008
YES! I finally have a song back in my blog!
It's a happy peppy song to get people in a good mood.
I like this song very much! :D
~Yeah Yeah Yeah~
~Yeah Yeah Yeah~
~Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!~
Kazunari Ninomiya is cuuuuuuuuute for a 25 year old guy.
He has that teenage look. Hees.
8:53 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008

That's Kazunari Ninomiya; the guy that looks like Fathi ! Hahaha. He has that childlike face thats whyyyy! SO CUTE. :D He's in Arashi, a Johnny band. Sha said that I didn't like Arashi when I heard them last time but I don't remember listening to them. Oh well.
You win some you lose some. Haha. As I said, I don't like ALL of their songs, just a selected few. So Sha might've been right. I may not have liked the song that was played last time.
Yay! I'm done.
FIDOE TAG OKAY. hahahah.
2:28 PM
omg. school reopened today . I was so lazy to wake up this morning.
Night didn't want to sleep when i wanted to so i left him alone but he came and cuddled after he got bored anyway. Nonsense kitten.He wakes up at 6am everyday. How semangat is that.
I'm now in school, during break time. Waiting for IT to start. So bored.
Sha got me into Yamada Taro Monogatari during the weekend. Ye, so I have now taken an interest in Arashi - only certain songs though, not all. Romaine just sent me Wish.
It's not on my favourite list, but bearable i guess. I still prefer Happiness, Still.. or Snowflake.
I don't blog very much now but mainly because I have lost interest in it. BUT.
I will update here and there, just not much. Haha.
2:21 PM