Wednesday, October 22, 2008
episode 31 of naruto shippuden is my favourite !
Not only does Gaara come back to life, it was a tearjerker episode..
It was those life learning lesson type episode.
Damnnnnn. I cried so much for Naruto, Gaara and Granny Chiyo.
posting the link of the episode video here. For keepsakes. (:
And Romaine didn't know what Gaara looked like, so I'm putting up his picture here as well.
Heees. ^^.
Well, that's it. Back to Shippuden and homework on Milk and Lock.
4:25 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
woohooo! I found-ed the website for the Naruto soundtrack.Well, most of it anyway from the first season. The only downloadable site I found so far. Having a ball. Haha. CAYC.'s the link if you're curious (naruto fans applicable, DUH)hahaha. Cause I don't think anyone would unless they're a Naruto Fan. Beddy-Bye time! and I have a thing for Baby face and Panda eyes. Literally. ^^, If there's ever someone cosplaying as Gaara, LET ME KNOW!I want a picture with him! Hahaha.
11:03 PM

It's a working progress. It's not quite done.
But basically, it's the Highlight Of My Summer. ^^.
Planning on inking the words, filling in the background with pastels and the remaining spaces with Romama's wonderful marker/pen things. Haha. (:
12:06 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
That's the darling cat Ben. I think he's passed on. He went missing before the fasting month.There's not proof that he's gone, but I just get this strong feeling that he is in my heart.I just wanted to dedicate this post to him. I miss him, the old cat..6 years with you in my life, I really miss you okay?
7:41 PM
Thursday, October 09, 2008
When I first got to camp, happy2 and all because everyone sit togetherrr.Then we got split up into different groups. >.<I was in the same group as Latifah aka Lafa.Listing group members of Captain Underpants:Jian Yang, Jiayi, Jiawen, Kay Yong, Joan, Hong Kun, Latifah, Nichola, Amelia, Yvonne.Camp GLs were Natalie and Chuan Yu.First day was ice breaker games as usual. Nat was bad at name games. Haha.She made it fun for us, easy to sabo. Haha. No offense to Nat. ^^. Despite all the hitches, we work pretty well as a group.The first day games tested patience and stuff. Oh, it IS a leadership camp btw. Haha.First night; campfire prep and confidence walk. We had fun during campfire prep. We came up with a skit!Captain Underpants vs G-String Lady! Haha.I wont go into details unless you ask. But just info the casting.C. U. - Kay Kong, G.S.L. - Jian Yang, C.U. voiceover - Jiawen, G.S.L. voiceover - Lafa, narrator - me, sound effects/extras on the set - everyone else. You all did a super job by the way! ^^.Confidence walk; we watched 23 before doing it. It's a psychological type of movie genre.I paired up with Lafa. Sofa and Lafa( the FaLala sisters according to Chuan Yu).Nat was the one giving directions. She had her hair in her face.Lafa and I said Hi. Haha. She then said,"oh. my group. No need to do this."Then she swept it out of her face. Haha. We spoil the mood.Anyway, the only remotely scary part of the Confidence walk was the toilet part.Super dark and i was half expecting someone to pop out of one of the booths. Haha.Anyway, everything else was fine. ^^.After that was done, everyone went back to dorms to sleep after debrief.Because everyone bathed, it took quite a while for us to be able to sleep.Slept at 2.30ish. i actually tertido with my head on the headboard. Neck pain. woke up at 3 plus and righted myself.Felt so unsatisfied when Jiayi woke me up. Not enough sleep.Had some sort of lecture about the Leadership camp on second day.After that we went for FOOOD TRAILLL.Haha. Had to do random stuff like doing the Kallang wave, with our BUTTS.Hahaha. It was fun overall. ^^.We went to 7 stations, including Vivo City!After all that, we got back for some rest before dinner and finishing up camp prep.After all that, we went down to our CAMPFIRE!The skits were all great and everyone was hyped up!Partied like WOOOOTS after that. Dance until i was showered in sweat.Haha. Go toilet with Pris to 'freshen up' abit.Then after all the showering back in our dorms, we planned to ton.But majority conked out after 2am. The rest I think conked out around 4 ish. Jian Yang who went to shit for like, an hour plus came back around 4.30amish ?I heard the doorbell and him saying,'Light still on but everybody sleeping?'Haha. I was too lazy to get up and answer the door so i just ignored and went to sleep.Sorry Jian Yang! Haha. When we all woke up around 8am, the 5 of us from the next dorm went back.Saw Jian Yang outside. Haha. Nevermind, we all freshen up and stuff then eat breakfast.Went down for mass wet game. Didn't expect it to be so WET.I got practically drenched in waterr. Supposed to free the GLs in a cage made of rafia string.The exco were armed with water bombs and pails of water to foil us.We had ourselves and candles to fend . Haha. That made it interesting. Finished it and everyone washed up/dried off after that.Then we had camp debrief and picture time! Yay!After all that , we went home. MRT-ed with Pris. We crapped all the way home. Bought Sardine puffs from OCK at Kembangan for lunch.When I reached home, after shower and eating, I slept for a while. Mira woke me up asked if I wanted to go jalan raya. So I went. I was literally brain dead during the whole thing. Was so sleepy. Ask Fidoe and Mira.I didn't even recognise the market next to Bedok View on the way home.I asked them what it was and if I had been there. Haha...Got home and went online after changing. Then conked out. Then it comes to a new day. Haha.Was woken up by Em-Dee Noh calling me at 9ish to ask about something.I can't remember what now. And the day passed until here.I was chatting with Fadh, Joel, Romaine and Khalid earlier.Romaine and Khalid stopped talking.. Er... Joel went to sleep.Fadh's playing bridge now so I decided not to bother him anymore.Oh yeah. Before I forget.I'M GOING TO LIST THE CUTE LELAKIS IN CAMP AND OTHER PLACES! Hahahaha.I still love my darling Em-Dee Noh. It's a case of look, comment then walk away. Haha.The guitarist guy, Kira, Ali Baba, Wayne, Fadh, Fidoe. Hahahaha. Look, comment then walk away. So don't prasaan okay? ^^.I still can't believe Shaiz could fit into the fridge in the dorm. He showed me the picture. -.-" Skinny people, I envy youuu.I think this covers it all. And I'm guessing people are saying my taste in guys are weird.Haha. Different people different appeals. ^^.I'm done. Sofa OUTTT.~(p.s. - my new nickname is Sofa ^^.)
10:16 PM
I will be posting about the HMS Leadership camp soon.
Another day when i'm not so tired. haha.
I'm waiting to see if Fadh's going to be online.
I want to ask why every year never get to see his house.
12:17 AM
Friday, October 03, 2008
first day of raye was fun, i guess. haha.i love raye. ^^.i dont like the cleaning up after everyone's gone. hahahaso many plates to wash . my dad did the dishes today .so i'm safe . for today. haha.and on the first day of raye, at my uncle's house, there was this family .in black. and we were going to another uncle's house, i happened to turn and saw a guy for like...2 seconds, who looked eerily similar to someone i know. but if it was him, i dont remember him being so short. meh.anyway, he never turned in my direction after that. so i could never confirm it.wait for next year then.! ^^. hahahah.oh. and NARUTO ROCKS MY CURRENT OBSESSION. ^^.and that lame boy who goes by the nickname sasuke-kitty, makes me laugh.he's so lame, i just laugh. oh wells. at least he makes my holiday fun-er. haha.^^.
2:47 AM