Saturday, November 29, 2008
Went shopping today. And I didn't know I went up a size until today.>.> Shocking. I thought I was staying small. Haha.Nevermind. Bought sunglasses, camwhored with my dad's one too. (:
10:55 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"loving someone who can never love you back"Directly quoted from some random woman in CR.Yeah, its saddd. The person's right there but like off limits.Invisible barrier. LOL. Talking about drama.Hahahaha.I had a nice dream. I want more nice dreams.Maybe I should sleep upside down more often . LOL.Dreams I get during naps obviously wont come true anyway.HAHAHAHA. If only lah eh?DONT ASK . SYED MUHAMMAD NOH. DONT ASK ME WHAT DREAM.I shall not answer you .You know why? I forgot already. I just know it was a nice one.NICE ONE ! Wahahahaha.Okay. Random crapping. :D
10:36 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Romaine ah! Stop writing on my arm! Hahahaha.
It was all pink from her PINK PEN. >.<
She wrote his name, her own name, Banana and drew leaves.
I was all hyper until I saw THAT.
I shall not mention; too lazy and too.. yeah.
Small matter and I know what jealously feels like anyway so it's a small matter.
I shall not make fun of the shy teddy getting jealous.
Yes, I know it hurts. But I just never got jealous in a long while until recently.
So yeah. I get it, but I'll forget it soon.
Knowing myself, I will.
And I don't know why, but I do a lot of drawing/sketching when I'm over emotional.
Here's today's sketch of a sad girl, crying. I know it's not very good but who cares..
You tell me. The first picture isn't as clear as the second..

Okay. I'm trying to distract myself. Great.
I shall not be depressed on the 26th.
But for now, yes, I am. Oh wells.
5:47 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008

It was in purely random order. Really. Selected few pictures I decided to put up. :)I shall insert my dad's wrapped present when I'm done with it.
All in all, a day with Joel plus wonderful people = bliss. HAHA.
I miss those Best Friend days. Must go out more often la Joel.
Stop raping Denise your guitar every night. Hahahahaha!
Okay. Continue decorating dad's wrapping paper. HAHA. :D
9:08 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm lazy to update my blog. :DSo another day or when Romaine says,"EH. WHY NEVER UPDATE YOUR BLOG?'hahahaha. :DI will say I got my dad's present - just have to collect it before the 26th.Okay. My eyes are hurting from lack of moisture. >.<See yous.
11:53 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I was always so crazy over Gensoumaden Saiyuki when I was younger.Therefore, my email has saiyuki in it. HAHA. Nice. Nice.Okay, I was browsing crunchyroll as usual, THEN I SAW.....GENSOUMADEN SAIYUKI!!! They called it 'Saiyuki' but I couldn't watch...NOT AVAIABLE IN YOUR REGION. WL. So pissed. But nevermind. I went on a FIND SONG rampage.Tried to find all the GS songs I can remember.So far I have Tightrope, Still Time + Still Time(piano version), For Real, Open Up Your Mind.Yeah. That's it. I still need to find Alone. (:The Saiyuki Craze is back! HEEHEEHEEHEE. :D`Haha. Minus-ing that, I was chatting with Rommy the Sammy(curtesy of Dino's nickname for her) about NHW and her fantasy of U. Haha. Rommy, YOUR DREAM VERY SWEET LAAA.And it's also a bit *insert-emoticon-raising-eyebrows-up-and-down-quickly* HAHAHA.She likes to tease me about NHW with that same emoticon. -.-"Hahaha. What lah Romaine. :DBut actually, I also don't know why I can fall for a person like him.Eventho he does fit my ideal guy. Hahahahaha.But But But. No okay. Just as friend. If I was single then it'd be a different story, BUT I'M NOT.Hahahaha. Okay, BullShit-ting already. Stop over thinking it like Joel.`On a lighter~ note, SMN coming back tomorrow! I think.Haha. He went M'sia with his class. Yay.I shall not go hug-less from him from tomorrow. Hahaha.I miss going out with him. I love him so much. I HAVE SORTED OUT MY THOUGHTS! Yay! :D :DHe's the kind of guy who'll try everything to make me smile when I'm down. (:Plus, it was because of his understanding and support, was I able to PROPERLY move on with my life and take my ex-boyfriend as a stepping stone to growing up. (:SMN, Daisuki! (: Te Quiero! (: Je' taime! (: Ti Amo! (: I Love You! (:
4:34 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My mum's birthday today.
Happy birthday to Mum,Happy birthday to Mum.Happy birthday dear mother,Happy birthday to Mum!My dad woke me up at 10 plus am for breakfast.
He couldn't find any yellow roses for my mum;
her favourite flower. ):
I gave my mother her present; pearl bracelet at 12.30am ! :D
So today we had dinner at Sakura international buffet at DownTown East.
I saw my primary school classmate, Shamin there.
I thought he didn't recognise me so I just looked away. HAHA.
Turns out he did, and so did his mum.
When I got home, I asked him if he went to Sakura, just to be sure.
Then we started chatting for a bit.
He says I haven't changed. -.-"
I think my face stays the same, but hair is of course different.
He also looks quite the same. Hair is fairly the same too. :D
I saw him eating quite alot. D:
I couldn't eat so much seh. I got full quite quickly. Haha.
Apparently, he also tried to tegur me.
He said he was about to smile and wave when I looked away.
Hahahaha. My reply,
'Sorry lah. Girls more shy okay? HAHA.'
Anyway I didn't know. >.<>
He says next time
SURELY tegur. Haha.
Fine next time.
See him when I see him then. (:
AND NHW! Stop nonsensing and scarring me for life with horrible mental images!Hahahahahahaha. I like NHW's dog, Teddy. It LOOKS LIKE A TOY. :D
AGAIN. Happy Birthday Mother Dear! (:
10:07 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Toastmasters meeting wasn't as boring as i expected it to be.
It was actually quite fun.
But tiring to wait like 5 hours in school.
SMN came to keep me company after his friday prayers.
So sweet lah he. (: Then we kacau-ed HW who was having a fever as he did his ppt slides.
SMN got bored and decided to sms people. He sms Amalina you know.
-.-" Nothing better to do . Then he called Khalid.
Then we watched ep 1 of cartoon Kat-Tun.
Oh. And HW gave us some random links of videos that made us laugh.
Then after having a quick bite, went to meet Pris and SMN went home.
Met up with Karen all who were having dinner.
Then went for the meeting.
There was a guy, Shi Jie, i shall call him S.J. HE LOOKS LIKE NINO YOU KNOW!
Hahahaha. I was ecstatic when I got grouped with him and Clarice for some random game.
Dodgeball in the dark. We couldn't scream. Hahaha.
I am Nino crazy thanks to S.J. Haha. (:
Then because my group won, we had to do the table topics.
And of all things, I got this question, "would you rather wear underwear or go without?"
WTH la. Hahaha. But just had an impromptu mini speech about it.
Omg. Shirin put a horrible mental image in my headd. I am scarred for life. D:
Hahaha. I went after S.J. He got "would you rather date an old woman or a young woman?"
Then after the meeting ended, bus-ed it home with Pris.
Surprisingly, the bus journey wasn't that bad.
Kacau-ed Pris all the way home. Hahaha. :D
After I got home, did all the necessary stuff and then on laptop.
He never thinks to go and sleep.
He then told me I was right, he almost fainted while out for running.
GONG LA HE. Make people worry. I thought that he FAINTED not almost fainted.
He took pride in telling me the story. -.-"
Nevermind. Just layan. But his story took the sleepiness and tiredness away from me.
Thanks ah HW.
SMN called me to say goodnight and I told him to say 'Hi' to Mdm Shikin today.
Don't know if he remembered. Nevermind. (:
Then after much wasting of time online,(I was also chatting with Romaine telling her about STM meeting), went off at around 1.30 plus plus am.
HW still maple-ing. Lazy to wait for him finish anyway so I bid him goodnight when he went to maple.
Then came morning, which is now. Haha.
I had breakfast of lontong, I don't really like it much but heck. Just eat.
Then watched some tv and NOW blogged. Haha.
Is this updated enough for you Romaine ? Hahahahaha.
See you! (:
11:37 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Went to Orchard for lunch and book buying with the lovely people.Then went off to Vivo to meet Feeqa, Khairi and Bik Jan.Watched 'The Coffin' BUT. This large group of ah bengs who thinks its soooo cool to laugh at all the scary parts and touching parts, and the random I-don't-think-its-pg-rated parts, annoyed the heck out of me.Seriously lah. Don't spoil the movie for the others.If they weren't there, it would've been better.After movie, shopped a bit more for random stuff.Then Bik Baidh came along and blanje-d us at Olive and Figs for dinner.I had Figo Black Pepper Steak. Not bad.Then shopped for clothes at TopShop sale riiiiight at the back of the store.Then browsed at Forever 21, then my dad picked us up and sent us home.And now I'm tired. Too tired to elaborate. Maybe tomorrow.Good nights.(and i still haven't sorted out my thoughts. -.-")
10:44 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
You know, sometimes I do wish I was single.
And so does Syed Muhammad Noh. We were talking about it the other day.
The initial sparks are gone and we've fallen into this......
ROUTINE, and mundanity. Same old cycle every time.
And I think poly guys have corrupted my thinking.
Cause I see cute guys on the MRT everyday.
I go,'OMG . CUTE !' on the inside and Syed Muhammad Noh's so far away.
We're already 2 years plus plus. And I find myself thinking,
'I'm better off being single. I don't spend time with him anymore.'
But do I really want to go jeopardize what we have?
At times like this, I wish I could stop thinking about the little things and focus on assignments.
But I can't force this repeated thought coming forward fortnightly.
Makes me depressed. ):
I don't know already. I know it's a smallll problem but there's no straightforward answer.
I mean, take the o level period for example.
We didn't contact each other until the last few papers.
And when he started studying, he didn't have time for me either.
But I still had laughs and smiles thanks to the babes of 1b02.
So it's times like that, all the 'what if's' start coming forward.
What if I never met him?
What if we had remained friends?
What if I never fell for him?
What if we never fell in love?
What if we never got together?
What if i didn't meet/get together with THAT GUY in the first place, he started this chain....
Ish. Best friend of friend. So complicated.
I wish I had the answer right in front of me.
I want to say I'm not bored with what we have,
But I just can't. D:
That's what's so depressing. ):
I feel torn, in this case, split.
In other words , Banana Split.
8:21 PM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
From Dino's camera:
At some random shelter.
I don't know what they were trying to do. Haha
Nice smiles. (:
This Dino ah. Keep spying on guys! Hahaha.
I feel like this picture was taken at Sentosa.
Hoho. Our heads form a star.
I was telling Dino, my shadow looked like a monkey's jumping/swinging. Haha.
Still looking at guys ah Dino! Hahaha.
One of the few shots before going home.
Annnnd. DINO! haha. :D I don't know what Romaine was doing to my cardigan. >.<

I can just imagine Nabelle as the queen and we all bow down to her. Hoho!
OKAY. now I need to go vacuum. I'M GOING HEI SHUSHI LATER! :D
Yay! :D
10:36 AM
Friday, November 07, 2008
WOAHHH. Today , IGOTVERYHIGH.Lol. I spoke that fast intro-ing the group for GISP today.But forgetting that. I saw that guitarist guy again today.He took 184. Haha. And ALI BABA SAID HI TO ME! OMG!Hahaha. My face turned red lah sehhh . >.<and Romaine can disturb me some more. haha. What seh.Lol. So I was quite high after that. Hoho. ^^.I met Em-Dee Noh after school today. He has a fever. Aww. D:But he met up with me anyway cause he missed me. I feel so bad. D: Ate OCK and lepaked with him at the playground.Watched OEPS boys on the swing and running.Joel called me pedophilic cause I was watching them.Like wth . Just watch, it's not like i'm getting excited or whatever watching them righttt.Wahlauu. Hahaha. But I know he was kidding la..He is mummy after all. After lepaking, go home and stone. Read book. LOL.Then had dinner. I had mee hong kong! :DThen I chatted with Em-Dee Noh, Joel and Hong Wei after dinner.Then along came Romaine, Nabelle and Nadia later in the night. Haha.Thenn at the same time, Hong Wei and I were talking about Chuckie. Errr. Don't know how the convo led to Chuckie but yeah. It did.He was asking,'what if chuckie fell into the hands of your children at the centre?'I was like, omg. !RUN AWAY. make the children scream and cry! He replied, no need la. just call me. then like superhero i come save the day.So I said,'LOL. like I can even call you. I don't have your number. Must bring laptop then go look for you online.'To which he took it for a hint that I was asking for his number, so he gave. I was like blishing !! OMG. Haha. Told Romaine but she had to go. So awww. D: I shall tell her to read my blog later. Haha.Anyway, that really made me so high. Until cannot sleep. See? it's one am plus already. If I manage to sleep, I'll wake up late.Hahaha. Okay Okay. I love Syed Muhammad Noh . :3I won't give you up for anything alright? Don't be jealous of Hong Wei.Who's my boyfriend? SMN, not HW. So SMN, don't be jealous okay? (:
1:37 AM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
THE REASON BEHIND THE NUMBER Its double of the number 23 ! CURSEEEEE. Hahahaha.I shall tell Pris I have the 23 curse tmr if I see her. Hahaha.Romaine was asking why i keep saying 46. LOL. Shu also say okayy? The IT helpdesk block. Its related to someone I have a crush on la okay Romaine? Haha. That's why I said it had nothing to do with us. >.<She might burst out laughing or bombarding me with 'whos, whats, whens' . Hahahaha. On a lighter note, I went for attachment. Had fun.Met up with class people at cheers. Crapped outside again. Hehe.I love the class laaaa. (:Rockin' bunch of women. ^^.OH NO. Isteri Untuk Suamiku is starting. Hahahaha.Going back to the pattern of watching Malay dramas for once. OH YEAH. If that guy knows I have a crush on him, he might get pig-headed about it.That's why can't let him knoww. Hahahaha.Aper saje ehhh . >.< EH NABILAH. How was your DOENUT? :Dhahaha. AND SIALLAH. That guy can like say he's in love with another woman in front of his wife.BODOH BETOL. Ish. I swear. Poor woman who can't have children...Resort to surrogate mother then the husband fall's in love with the surrogate mother.His love for me is like the raindrops outside. It can stop anytime.WAH. Cheesy lines from the drama. Haha.Okay. Go watch drama. ^^. Happy Happy. (:
9:27 PM
Monday, November 03, 2008
Pangseh king. So annoyed.
I just hope I didn't fail madrasah exam.
Or the quiz for LAECY. Aiyah. Heck care.
I'm annoyed. Printer's almost out of ink and there's stuff to print.
And OMG. I'm just feeling .. like I want to scream.
The issue about poly students paying more for bus fare/mrt fare.
BULLSHIT YOU KNOW. Go away if you want to be unfair.
It's making my wallet go empty since I have to TRAVEL SO FAR AWAY to school.
Ish. You know what?
NEVERMIND. I shall go let off steam by playing Santa Cubes.
I can't be F*cked to read up for Child Dev tmr.
-Banana peeled her last peel. *
9:58 PM
Sunday, November 02, 2008
My first time actually HELPING out at a Malay wedding. The job was pretty simple. Give out berkats and occasionally clear table.But very tiring and HOTTTT. But it rained today so it's okay. (:Overall, it wasn't bad. Very first experience. I got paid $10. Hmm.. Haha. Mira's blanje-ing me at Hei Sushi on the 15th as thanks for me helping out.I love that woman. Haha. Not because she's taking me to eat sushi.She's one of the people I run to when I have a problem. Like Romaine. Next time I bring Romaine out to eat.Hahahaha. But must be at PASIR RIS TAU. Hahahaha.Eat at Hei Sushi with me . :DAt the end of everything, we went up to her auntie's house.For the food to bring home(tapau) and my 'pay'.One of her cousin's flirted with me. -.-"And he wasn't at all cute. And he's 23 years old.Shameless. Try to flirt with a 17 year old girl. Tsk Tsk. I didn't know what to say. D:It's so ....EEEEEEEEEEE can? Oh well. I was thinking, my taste in guys are the skinny, look chinese type(maybe tall too). And yet my own boyfriend doesn't look like a chinese nor is he that skinny.But he is tall. :D But I feel so short next to him.Hahaha. What can I say? I'm just abnormal. Hahaha.Pris would be overjoyed hearing me say I'm abnormal. >.<I hope I remember to bring a chopstick.I need to show Romaine how to tie/pin up hair with it.Okay. Now I have to study for Monday's Language Arts quiz. Lazyy... But have to. See yous!^^.
9:37 PM
Saturday, November 01, 2008 thats the Lemon Tree video naruto sasuke animation.
its so cute i tell you. :3
7:19 PM

Lemon Tree
I'm sitting here in the boring room,It's just another rainy sunday afternoon.I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do.I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you.But nothing ever happens,And I wonder..I'm driving around in my car,I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far.I'd like to change my point of view.I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you.But nothing ever happens,And I wonder..I wonder how, I wonder why?Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky.And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree.I'm turning my head up and down,I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just another lemon-tree.I'm sitting here, I miss the power.I'd like to go out taking a shower,But there's a heavy cloud inside my head.I feel so tired, Put myself into bed.While nothing ever happens, And I wonder..Isolation....... is not good for meIsolation....... I don't want to -.sit on the lemon-tree.I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy.Baby anyhow i'll get another toy,And everything will happen. And you wonder..I wonder how, I wonder why?Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky.And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree.I'm turning my head, up and down.I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree.And I wonder, wonder..I wonder how, I wonder why?Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky.And all that I can see, and all that I can see, and all that I can see,Is just a yellow lemon-tree.
2:20 AM