Monthsarys' are stupid. Period. I can't believe there was a time where a month was something to be celebrated about. When a month, 2 months, etc don't really mean for anything until it reaches at least 12 months which then equates to a year, THEN does it mean SOMETHING. That something, in a year, you get to know someone, in his or her various different ways, knowing alot or a little, depends on the person you have chosen as a 'bakal suami'. When you have come so far in a YEAR, do I see the reason to celebrate for it is a whole 12 months, where you have gone through Fasting month and birthdays. In due time, you get to meet the family, maybe in that year or longer. Parents approval mean the world to me and I am very glad that my family approves of my current 'bakal suami' and that his family approves of me. We have been together for 2 years and more. I don't bother counting the months because, like I have previously mentioned, monthsarys are stupid. I'll wait until our 3rd year comes round before we start celebrating again. In my time in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, I have seen myself maturing and digressing equally. I have even more responsibilities now but it doesn't change the fact that I am childish. I enjoy being a child and truthfully, I never want to grow up. I was born the second, and last child and I have been quite pampered since birth. I had always taken it for granted because I always thought "Every child grows up this way." I grew up believing that. My perception changed when I met a boy. Who fit this idealistic mould of a perfect boyfriend. But, he never did become a 'bakal suami'. He instead became my best friend who although has been MIA from me for ages, is still regarded as so. But little by little, my reliance on him to help me up in my times of need, has lessened because I met a boy, in the late half of 2008. When feelings started developing from the first time I met him, the time we exchanged numbers, the first date, the first 'meet the family session' for both our families, right up to this very moment; I very much grew to trust him more and put my faith in him to help me stand. It is not right for me to burden my best friend, who has his equal share of problems when I selfishly have someone who is already always there for me, including on speedial. It is not saying that I have kicked my best friend to the curb, I would love to catch up with you again soon and have a heart to heart talk again someday. But I probably wouldn't share those too personal problems as I have promised to my 'bakal suami' to trust in him. I have 2 wonderful guys in my life, one of which weighs greater in my heart than the other because I truly do have deep feelings and the other is a deep friendship that I do not wish to break. I love you dudes. (:
2:03 AM
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.
It's Me
There's nothing wrong with my name
I am my only witness and the only person who can judge my life
I have a wishlist located just below: Visit Japan again. Collect ALL Jelly Lens. Lose 5kg. Graduate DS or some form of random entertainment. open PIXELLATES up for business again. Dinner Date at Swensons. Get married.