Monday, November 08, 2010
This is Batch Number 3. :)
Tried baking them 'rainbow cupcakes'. Out of all 3 batches, the 3rd and last batch looked most promising. They retained the spongy texture as compared to the first batch; I'm guessing heat was too high. 2nd batch, I didnt taste, but it rose higher than first and 3rd BUT not that spongy from touch. 3rd batch didnt rise much, (it was last to bake) but as I mentioned, SPONGY. Will be bringing them to teban for taste test. :P
If its good, YAY. Settled for the weekends. If not, any free time, I'll have to try. :)
Aftermath of baking. Or what's left of it. :P
Batch Number 1.
Batch Number 2.
Batches 1, 2 and 3.
So tell me, which one looks most appealing to you? ;)
5:16 PM
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Aww my mother is such a spoilerrr.She's the one who insisted I get married BEFORE going overseas to study, but if I go overseas after graduation and Dan is in NS...HOW TO GET MARRIEDDD?Ahahaha.I'm disallowed to go overseas for now. xDExcept for Wheelock college.I shall put that as my new goal.Which reminds me, I have to dig up all my old result slips in the mail.:/Meh.On a lighter note, I finished IEP on Friday to enable myself to chillax over the weekendddd.Psst. Secret - baking rainbow cupcakes for my parents' upcoming birthdays.Can I borrow somebody's oven?? D:I don't have one, except an ovenette which is errr..... Workable I guess?I might go ingredient shopping tmr after school and try my hand at a first batch.Tips anyone? :/
7:14 PM
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Fat. Fat cat. Fat cat sat. Fat cat sat behind the door.Am so freaking lazy to start on assignments due.But snce its the last sprint, I will do my best to get As this semester.Like OMG. I've never gotten any except for FP assignment.Which overall, I still get a B+ .Going to spend tonight singing random songs and start work tomorrow.Not forgetting, picking up my cousin from his OBS course in the afternoon.Dan's down with fever, cough and slight flu?Letting him get his rest tonight. (:Get well soon, dear. I love you. (:Oh, the new house is coming along nicely.I'm going to get a walk in wardrobe! :DYay. Now I have space for my hordes of clothes that I keep buying and buying.Whoever introduced me to online shopping, thanks very much.I'm addicted now. D:There was this wholesale clothing store which apparently had 90% bad reviews but I'm among the 10% who are satisfied with them.The clothes are gorgeous, I agree, even if I don't fit 2 of them because its bodycon and I'm not THAAAAAT comfortable with bodycon.BUT. The white clothes are epic translucent.I had given them feedback regarding that and I was thanked and assured that it would be passed on to the supplier.So, if anyone wants to get an entirely new wardrobe for next year, you can try going to http://cleocat-fashion.comBut! Do keep away from the white clothings for the time being. (:Darker colours recommended.Cheers.
10:40 PM
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Popularity is a sure sign that you are doing something wrong.OMG.
Kudos to the speech maker, Adrian Tan.
Epicly inspiring and mindblowing.
Recommended to take a read but it's your choice.
It's on my facebook links, I think.
:O :O :O :O
Don't work. Avoid telling the truth. Be hated. Love someone.
1:08 AM
Monday, November 01, 2010
YAY.I'm seeing Joel next week.YAY.YAY.No school this Friday.YAY.YAY.I'm 50 bucks richer.YAY.YAY.I got my cat to exercise at night.YAY.YAY.I is happy now.CHEEZBURGER.LOLCAT.YAY.
11:26 PM